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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Iranian Nuclear Program: The Clock is Ticking

Diplomatic talks seem to enter a stalling period we just hate to watch and experience. The United Nations Security Council, as well as President Barack Hussein Obama has postponed diplomatic conversations and the possibility to reach an agreement with Iran until the last week of May. In the meantime, Iran continues to do what the country knows best, which is the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction through their customized nuclear program, under the fake curtain of energy purposes, while the world knows it is of increasing its nuclear capabilities to dominate the region, and be a threat to the world. Prime Minister Netanyahu does not believe that the rearrangement of dates for the political talks serves any purposes other than allowing Iran to hold a free-pass to continue their offensive program.
As it is common of the current administration, President Barak Hussein Obama said during his visit last week in Cartagena, Colombia, that he expects Iran to come to the table of negotiations in good faith. History is still witnessing expectations from world leaders but strict and immediate actions. While Iran is running world leaders are crawling to the negotiation table hoping that Iran can easily agree on disarmament or face economic sanctions. Some leaders, like Netanyahu, believe that a second Holocaust is not a dream-event if Iran is freely allowed to continue its evil reproduction of uranium embraced in a sadistic, everlasting hate toward Israel. In September 2005, Dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad professed his desire to pursue Iran’s nuclear technology program, which he sustained as peaceful purposes and for energy use. He also condemned the United States for proliferating weapons of mass destruction and for elaborating a climate of intimidation and injustice. Maybe President Barak Hussein Obama needs to remember that the Iranian leader will stick with the nuclear program as a response to any intention to impose different political views on the Iranian people. The threat is imminent in the region and Israel continues exposed to such a terrible possibility of a new wave of destruction and isolation. Iran does not recognizes Israel as an independent legal state; it just doesn’t happen, which makes the all nuclear program a ticking bomb that needs to be stopped immediately and not at the end of May, which hours and days ahead provides a cushion to the Iranian government to continue their evil development of nuclear capabilities. The celebration of Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) on July 19 is a day of prayer, and it should be a day of condemnation for the horrific events that took place, and it should also be a day to stand by Israel and stop all those, who attempt against their sovereignty and peace. Iran needs to be stopped now.

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