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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Broken Trust: The Loss of Leadership

Despite the anemic economic growth in the nation, the presumably popularity of President Barack Hussein Obama over presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and the recently lower percentage of unemployment divulged by the current administration, there is something that has affected the security, sovereignty, and destiny of our nation, and the support we traditionally have shown to our allies, among them Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a message to all American voters, to think and elect the right president, who is aware of the threat of global terrorism, and especially a president who is firm and has the conviction to draw the line on tolerance with the regime of Iran.  President Barack Hussein Obama's promises to stand by Israel is nothing but a broken record all voters must discard.  The imminent and continuous threat of Ahmadenejad‘s regime toward Israel is not only crossing the lines, spitting over United Nations inspectors, but also defeating the leadership of the American president.  The United States is losing control in the Middle East and Africa as protests growth by the minute in Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Algeria, and Afghanistan feeding anti-Western sentiments and defeating the physical security of American embassies and consulates around the world.  The loss of Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a premeditated terrorist attack; however, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton not only thinks it was not a premeditated attack but questions how this can happened in a nation the United States helped to removed Muammar Qadhafi from power. It is not a complex case; the current administration either fails to accept the reality, or it simply still is loss in matters of national security and tries to feed the American public with wrongful and deliberated inaccurate information.  Libyan President Mohamed El-Magariaf said he is convinced the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was premeditated, as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said that the protests near the consulate began spontaneously, but were later hijacked by armed extremists.  It seems that the current administration intelligence community needs to be reminded of the famous Curve of Conflict and analyze it better before Secretary of State launched a ridiculous message to the nation.  The lack of proper security, especially during the anniversary of September 11, and the belief that Libya is now a friendly nation of the United States is the clear reflection of a naïve and typical defective security system.  We have seen this approach before; we thought Pakistan was a fiercely allied and we forgot that the masterminded of the first attack to the World Trade Center, Ramsey Yousef seek shelter in Pakistan, and Islamabad was the protective shelter to Osama Bin Laden.  This inability to execute proper and firm decisions, and strategies toward the threat of global terrorism has broken the trust of having this administration in charge of affairs not well known to them.  On the other hand, the broken trust affects America’s allies, especially Israel.  The Obama administration simply sends the message that the foreign policy and development of current violent events in the Middle East disregards national security as the security of our allies.  The continuous position of this administration that everything that is currently happening in the region is spontaneous is mere irresponsibility and complete disregard, to the point that it seems there is a hidden sympathetic feeling with jihad. 
The next president must step firm and draw the line of tolerance with Iran immediately after taking charge of the Oval Office.  If the Obama strategy is to stay away from this approach and to suggest Israel to attack Iran first so it does not look that the United States started to stir the pot of war, he is absolutely wrong and it only reflects his lack of leadership once again, and helps to a fastest fading of trust from Israel to the United States.  If Israel attacks Iran first, this will be the seal to the ignorance, miscalculation, and premeditated criminal action from this administration.  In the next elections, America needs a leader, a true American.        

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Death and Life: The Difference between the Middle East and the West

In a capitalistic and democratic country, nothing can be better set as it is in the United States of America. Governments, states, societies, organizations, liberties, freedoms, free commerce, and respect for human life also characterizes the north- American nation. The citizens, by history and by default, have embraced a way of life totally different from other nations around the world, and it has coined democracy and freedoms as the foundation of its history and life-style, seeing life as a precious and indisputable gift from the heavens. Thoughts contrary to these characteristics are difficult to understand or even to accept to fulfill a healthy and safe way of living. Osama bin Laden knew what is important for all American citizens. He understood and was convinced that the suppression of any freedom would collapse the structure of democracy, its economy, and its socio-political aspect as a nation. He had the best ally to actually present a very strong army of soldiers to fight America and its allies, and to regroup and counterattack at any given time, something that the United States does not venerate: Death.

I will associate death with the Middle East and life with the United States. Bin Laden stated: “We love death. The US loves life. That is the difference between us two.” This is the starting point of the best strategy of war and the West has to pay attention to the seriousness of radicalism, and has to understand that this is an irreversible philosophy: Radicalism and death versus democracy and life. The average American citizen does not know or cannot explain why radical Muslims hate the United States of America; neither can explain why they attacked the World Trade Center and why terrorist groups continue to recruit to attack Americans. The United States has spent over $1.3 trillion on the fight against terrorism, almost quadruple of expenses during World War I and sacrificed the lives of 6,000 soldiers and the count continues (Vu, 2011). Thousands of family members mourn their combatants and tears seem to never stop. The American soldier does everything possible to avoid death; the radical fighter does everything possible to die for the cause. This is a substantial difference that the average person does not comprehend. America protects the freedom of religion and promotes good relations among all members; it is in the form of one nation and many religions. The Muslim world protects Islam and promotes it across the globe; it is in the form of one religion and many nations.
Both approaches collide when one side supports the State of Israel and the other does not recognize it as State and is committed to its total destruction as well as the annihilation of the Jewish people. The Muslim world sees the United States as their main enemy due to the support to Israel.
Hopefully the next White House administration will not only recognize Iran, Syria, Palestine, and Afghanistan as the latent source of terrorism against the world, and directly against the State of Israel, but to take a decisive, strong, and effective approach toward these states that sponsor terrorism.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Iranian Nuclear Program: The Clock is Ticking

Diplomatic talks seem to enter a stalling period we just hate to watch and experience. The United Nations Security Council, as well as President Barack Hussein Obama has postponed diplomatic conversations and the possibility to reach an agreement with Iran until the last week of May. In the meantime, Iran continues to do what the country knows best, which is the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction through their customized nuclear program, under the fake curtain of energy purposes, while the world knows it is of increasing its nuclear capabilities to dominate the region, and be a threat to the world. Prime Minister Netanyahu does not believe that the rearrangement of dates for the political talks serves any purposes other than allowing Iran to hold a free-pass to continue their offensive program.
As it is common of the current administration, President Barak Hussein Obama said during his visit last week in Cartagena, Colombia, that he expects Iran to come to the table of negotiations in good faith. History is still witnessing expectations from world leaders but strict and immediate actions. While Iran is running world leaders are crawling to the negotiation table hoping that Iran can easily agree on disarmament or face economic sanctions. Some leaders, like Netanyahu, believe that a second Holocaust is not a dream-event if Iran is freely allowed to continue its evil reproduction of uranium embraced in a sadistic, everlasting hate toward Israel. In September 2005, Dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad professed his desire to pursue Iran’s nuclear technology program, which he sustained as peaceful purposes and for energy use. He also condemned the United States for proliferating weapons of mass destruction and for elaborating a climate of intimidation and injustice. Maybe President Barak Hussein Obama needs to remember that the Iranian leader will stick with the nuclear program as a response to any intention to impose different political views on the Iranian people. The threat is imminent in the region and Israel continues exposed to such a terrible possibility of a new wave of destruction and isolation. Iran does not recognizes Israel as an independent legal state; it just doesn’t happen, which makes the all nuclear program a ticking bomb that needs to be stopped immediately and not at the end of May, which hours and days ahead provides a cushion to the Iranian government to continue their evil development of nuclear capabilities. The celebration of Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) on July 19 is a day of prayer, and it should be a day of condemnation for the horrific events that took place, and it should also be a day to stand by Israel and stop all those, who attempt against their sovereignty and peace. Iran needs to be stopped now.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Preparation for War: Israel has it all

The tension in the Middle East still is vivid and unpredictable, especially in the oil shipping lanes of the Gulf, which should a confrontation sparks, mainly Iran, Israel, and the United States will hold military confrontations.
Israel has it all. One of the best armies in the world, excellent technological powers, trusted weaponry, above average experience in military strategy, superb counterintelligence capabilities, great knowledge of its worse enemies’ vulnerabilities, the positive winning spirit of a cougar, and the indisputable conviction to preserve peace at any cost possible. To add more, the United States of America stands by its side to provide all needed support. Threats coming from Teheran in regard to shutting down the Strait of Hormuz are simply kitty cries from the corrupt, abusive, and coward regime of Ahmedinejed. However, the continuous growth in nuclear capability with undoubtedly military purpose is of concern not only to the region but to the Western hemisphere as well.
Naval maneuvers in the region by the Iranian regime show the aggressive shout to the world by a putrefactive government that is underestimating the power of Israel. The Islamic regime is setting the arena for war, and it is playing with fire without knowing how to extinguish it. It is not a common fire; it is Israel, a nation tired of living in fear and constant threat coming from Islamic regimes. Preparations for war are over. Israel is ready but should hold on one more time.
Hold it because the American president hasn’t showed support for Israel yet. No press conference has been identified with an appearance of the most powerful man on earth; the problem is that the position of president of the United States is powerful not the man who is a mere tenant in the White House. Barack Hussein Obama has not publicly threatened to retaliate with military force over the Iranian advance in nuclear programs. It is essential to understand the true danger a nuclear armed Iran would pose to the United States’ interests in the Middle East and beyond. It is time for a well meticulous and micromanaged military strike onto Iranian nuclear huts resembling the rapid power of a lightning bolt to destroy, and paralyze all capabilities of enrichment in the Islamic territory. Iran continues expelling all inspectors from its nuclear establishments while continuing enriching its stockpiles of uranium, and gradually reaching the moment of installing centrifuges at its uranium enrichment facility in Qom.
The moment is tense in the region. Israel has it all to accomplish a successful military intervention in Iran; however, a United States with a poor leader in the White House is like a double threat to the entire strategy of war.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Syrian Threat

The Syrian government cannot rest in blaming the current chaotic situation in the hands of foreign countries that want the regime of Bashar al-Assad down. The punishment from the government against their own citizens is not an unknown issue. In March 2011, a group of students who protested against the regime and set some graffiti were cruelty tortured, as a massive wave of protest did not get deterred by the government actions. Maybe it is time for a radical change and it is time for the Assads to abandon the country as soon as possible.
Thousands of soldiers have already defected and began launching attacks against government installations and formed several cells united with civilians to show their support for new reforms in the country. In December 2011, the United Nations called the situation of Syria at the verge of civil war.
The conflict between the government and the people is not an easy rivalry. It calls for confrontations with several ethnic divisions. The people from the government and elite members of society belong to the Alawite sect, which is a minority when compared with the Sunni population. Despite this chaotic situation, Syria continues to be a major threat to Israel; daily confusion on the streets, people abandoning their homes seeking for shelter, and women and children targeted by their own regime only shows the coldness and sanguinary thirst of a dictatorship also committed to attack Israel.
In 2008, a Syrian government delegation visited Moscow seeking a variety of new weapons systems that Israel considers threatening. Syria focuses on anti-aerial missiles is a
preparation to repel any attack from the Golan Heights; however, Israel needs to reinforce the border with Syrian by stationing long range missiles in the mountains without ignoring the Lebanese border as well for a possible wave of immigrants seeking shelter outside Syria.
Let’s not forget the military pact between Iran and Syria in the event Israel and the United States make any movement in the region. In 2005, the evil counsel of Mamoud Ahmadinejed had a pact with military officials from Syria to allow Iranian weapons in their territory in order to confront the Israeli-America threat in the region. Syria harbors representatives of several Palestinian terrorist organizations to include Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. There is no doubt that Syria also contributes to the support of Iranian funded terrorist organization Hezbollah. Israel has reasonable believes that Syria is a threat; the northern country of Lebanon was under Syrian control for more than 30 years and supported all the way Hezbollah training facilities as a proxy to fight Israel.
Israel emphasized that its interest in peace and negotiations with Syrian authorities faded when impacted by the continuous support to terrorist organizations in Damascus. Syria continues to be part of the axis of evil and a force that encourages, support, and delivers terror in the Middle East. Ambassador Robert Ford left the country upon closing of the Unites States Embassy in Damascus; the tension is palpable and deserves monitoring round the clock. The people of Syria need the support from outside nations; What is the Obama administration doing for the people of Syria besides talking? Both Assad and Obama are at the end of their rope. The security of Israel cannot be compromised by the incompetence of Muslim rooted Barack Hussein Obama.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Running out of Time to Prevent War

After 70-years of the Japanese military strike to Pearl Harbor, which forced the United States to enter World War II the provocation for military confrontations have considered deep analysis of the adversaries through intense military intelligence to avoid an embarrassed counterattack like the one experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Developing contingency plans in the United States against the threat of terrorism also should consider massive attacks like Pearl Harbor with the difference of fragmentation in its nature. The threat of international terrorism does not point a one specific target but multiple ones capable to cripple the economy for many years to come.
Iran has been preparing for many years in developing nuclear weapons, nuclear capabilities, and has growth rapidly by enriching uranium and many other weapons of mass destruction. The Islamic government continues informing the world that this growth in technology and research is for medical purposes as well as other nonlethal objectives. Following the steps of Mammoud Amadenejed is the dictator Hugo Chavez, who has transformed Venezuela in an authorized Iranian field for negotiations and possible contingency plans in the event of an American attack to the Middle East nation. No doubt Hezbollah training camps may be part of a cancerous spread of the Islamic threat.
In 2010, Israel began the distribution of millions of protection kits against biochemical warfare and the construction of a new massive public bomb shelter in Tel Aviv, and the constant brainwashing of the Iranian masses by religious eminences to respond if Israel attacks Teheran until it is completely wiped -out of the map, are some of the reasons the smell of war is almost inevitable.
Unfortunately, it is not very clear that the Obama administration stands behind the State of Israel as previous presidents had. There is no true conviction to protect and respect Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. There is a lousy interest to stand firm during the current threats from Iran against the State of Israel and the Western hemisphere. If war is inevitable, fragmented, and massive attacks to the United States would be part of the Islamic strategy. The terrorist cells are already within American institutions, and they have entered the nation through the vast unprotected southern border. Mexican drug lords and terrorists have established a relationship creating a force America poorly recognizes: Narco-terrorism.
The threat of shutting down the Strait of Hormuz by the Islamic regime and the death sentence imposed to an Iranian-American citizen is adding wood to the fire of an imminent war ready to happen. The State of Israel should not and cannot defeat the Islamic regime by itself; if we do not stand by it, we may be condemned to repeat multiple Pearl Harbor like attacks in our own soil. If a war evolves it would not be a conventional war, although it may start like one, it may not end as such.
The threat of radical Islam is closing the alternatives we have to negotiate a better outcome. The mediation of the Arab League in Syria did not receive any positive commitment and cooperation from the Assad’s regime. The new proposed legislation to ban any business dealings with Bank Markazi, which conducts the majority of Iran’s oil sales, and the $30 billion agreement to sell advanced fighter aircrafts to Saudi Arabia to counter Iranian power are heating up the tensions in the region.
This is the moment to stand firm, united, and decisive against the threat of radical Islam in the world. This is the moment of truth to prove we care about the State of Israel and our allies against the war on terrorism. This is the time in history to defeat radical Islam, even if military intervention is the only option.